Carpal tunnel and wrist pain cases have been on the rise as we further transition to the Digital Age. The constant flexion of the wrists and hands when using the computer keyboards activate the finger and wrist flexor muscle groups. The prolonged activation of these muscles creates compression of the Median Nerve that goes through the Carpal Tunnel.

The Median Nerve, is a nerve that starts on your cervical vertebrae (C6, C7, T1) and travels down your arm, to the forearm and all the way to the thumb, the index finger, and the middle fingers on the palm side of your hand. With the prolonged muscle activation, the median nerve gets irritated, causing inflammation, numbness, and tingling down the wrist and hand as it passes through the Carpal Tunnel.

There are ways to alleviate nerve compression. This is done through nerve gliding. It helps the muscles around the nerve be more mobile.

LESS IS MORE: When doing nerve gliding exercises, we are not trying to achieve the maximum stretch. We just want to create movement while feeling the stretch of the targeted muscle group.  Stop when you first feel the stretch and go back to the starting point.

From the Cat/Cow Position, have your elbows extended and palms rotated so that your fingers are pointing towards your legs. Lean slightly back until you feel the initial stretch. Depending on how tight your muscles are, your palms might lift off the ground.

For variation of the Median Nerve Glide, rock or lean side to side. Make sure to stop and reset back to the starting point. After that, move your body in a clockwise and counterclockwise manner to glide the nerve in different angles.


Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, concerns or if you would have a request for another exercise or stretch. We would love to hear from you and help you Reach Your Pinnacle!!